Bridged Tokens: A New Era of Interoperability

Home / Articles / Bridged Tokens: A New Era of Interoperability
Articles / 03 April, 2023

The world of blockchain and cryptocurrency is ever-evolving. New concepts and technologies are emerging at a breakneck pace, each promising to solve existing problems and bring about new possibilities. One such concept that has recently gained traction in the crypto community is bridged tokens.

What are Bridged Tokens?

Bridged tokens are digital tokens that are designed to be used on multiple blockchains. They are created by locking a certain amount of a token on one blockchain and minting an equivalent amount on another blockchain. This allows the token to be used on both blockchains, effectively bridging the two ecosystems.

The process of creating bridged tokens is called token bridging, and it typically involves a smart contract that locks the original token on one blockchain and mints the bridged token on another blockchain. The bridged token can then be transferred back to the original blockchain if needed, or used on the new blockchain.

Bridged tokens are often created to solve the problem of interoperability between different blockchain ecosystems. Each blockchain has its own unique set of features, strengths, and weaknesses. For example, Ethereum is known for its smart contract capabilities, while Bitcoin is known for its security and decentralization. By creating bridged tokens, users can access the features of different blockchains using the same token, without having to go through the hassle of exchanging one token for another.

How do Bridged Tokens Work?

The process of token bridging typically involves the following steps:

  1. Locking the original token on the original blockchain: This involves sending the original token to a smart contract that holds it in escrow.
  2. Minting the bridged token on the target blockchain: Once the original token is locked, a smart contract on the target blockchain mints the bridged token and sends it to the user’s wallet.
  3. Using the bridged token: The bridged token can now be used on the target blockchain, just like any other token.
  4. Redeeming the original token: If the user wants to redeem the original token, they can do so by sending the bridged token back to the smart contract on the target blockchain. The smart contract will then release the original token back to the user’s wallet on the original blockchain.

Bridged tokens can be used for a variety of purposes, such as cross-chain trading, liquidity provision, and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. They can also be used to bridge different types of tokens, such as stablecoins, utility tokens, and governance tokens.


Bridged tokens represent a new era of interoperability in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. They allow users to access the features of different blockchains using the same token, without having to go through the hassle of exchanging one token for another. Bridged tokens can be used for a variety of purposes, and their potential applications are only limited by the imagination of the developers and users who create and use them.

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